빠른 단계
- 먼저 전원에서 Xbox Series S를 분리하십시오.
- 콘솔 뒷면의 연결 포트 근처에 있는 두 개의 흰색 덮개를 제거합니다. 밑에 있는 나사 제거
- Xbox Series S에서 케이스를 제거하고 섀시에서 분리한 다음 압축 공기, 저전력 진공 또는 기타 청소 장치로 각 부품의 먼지를 제거합니다.
- 콘솔 케이스를 다시 부착한 다음 Xbox Series S를 주전원에 다시 연결합니다.
도구 및 요구 사항
- Xbox 시리즈 S
- 압축 공기, 극세사 천, 이소프로필 알코올, 저전력 진공
- T8 및 T10 드라이버 비트
Xbox Series S를 청소하는 방법
Xbox Series S가 최근 평소보다 더 시끄러웠다면 청소가 필요할 수 있습니다. 먼지가 쌓이면 본체의 팬이 평소보다 더 빨리 작동하여 소음이 증가하고 과열될 위험이 있습니다. 최악의 경우 하드웨어 오류가 발생할 수 있습니다.
위험을 감수하지 않으려면 특히 애완 동물이 있거나 담배를 피우는 경우 Xbox Series S를 정기적으로 청소하십시오. Microsoft는 내부 청소를 권장하지 않습니다. 공식 지침 (새 탭에서 열림) 은 외부 전용이지만 고맙게도 콘솔을 분해하는 것은 어렵지 않으며 그렇게 하는 동안 아무것도 부수지 않는다고 가정하면 무효화되지 않습니다. 귀하의 보증 중 하나. 물론 이렇게 하는 것이 불편하다면 외부 청소만 하십시오.
Xbox Series S를 청소하는 방법에 대한 자세한 분석을 찾고 있다면 아래 단계를 따르십시오.
- Xbox Series S를 완전히 끄고 전원에서 분리합니다.
- Xbox Series S를 깨끗한 테이블 위에 놓습니다. 섬유가 긴 카펫, 바닥 또는 깔개 위에 놓지 마십시오.
- Remove the two white covers at the back of the console, located near your connection ports. Use a T8 screwdriver bit to remove the screws hidden underneath them.
- Once the screws are removed, the bottom casing from your Xbox Series S will be freed so place it aside on a clean surface.
- Turn your console over and remove the seven green screws, using a T10 screwdriver bit. Push apart the two sides of the white plastic case, allowing you to separate the chassis.
- Use this opportunity to remove any dust from the plastic case. This can be done using compressed air, a low-powered vacuum, a microfibre cloth, or a clean brush. After finishing up, place it to the side.
- Return to the chassis and clear away any dust deposits.
- Once done, reconnect the plastic case to the chassis, placing the screws back in with your T10 and T8 screwdriver bit as previously outlined.
- Reconnect your Xbox Series S to the mains, and return your console to its prior location.
What about externally cleaning my Xbox Series S?
A standard brush works for cleaning out the holes and ports on your Xbox Series S, as does a low-powered vacuum cleaner.
For general cleaning, Microsoft recommends using premoistened disinfectant wipes, or a microfiber cloth that’s been “dampened with a little bit of mild soap and water.” Like any electrical device, disconnect your Series S from the power source first before starting. Microsoft has universal advice that covers the whole Xbox One and Xbox Series family, advising you to wipe down the external surface using an “isopropyl alcohol (IPA) solution.”
How often should I clean my Xbox Series S?
Microsoft suggests cleaning your console every three to six months but in practice, personal circumstances means this’ll differ. Everyone has a different home setup, and most consoles don’t usually require much more than a standard dusting.
That said, if you’ve got pets or carpeted floors, dust and hair can accumulate quickly. If your Xbox Series S fan sounds like an airplane, that’s a good sign that you need to clean your console. Fans will increase in speed to cool your console more effectively, but overdoing this can lead your Xbox Series S to overheat.
Final thoughts
Prevention is certainly better than the cure, and it’s hard to disagree when it comes to hardware maintenance. Air purifiers go a long way in combating dust build-up, so if you don’t fancy cleaning your Xbox Series S regularly, remember to replace the filters. Like any console, frequent cleaning is sensible advice, just avoid leaving it on the floor. Wherever you place it, ensure these surfaces are also frequently cleaned.
Want to keep your other consoles clean? Here's how to clean your Xbox Series X and how to clean your PS5. Got a Switch? No problem. Here's how to clean your Nintendo Switch.
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